Recently, I have become frustrated and worn down in my Soul from outside and internal pressures. However, one must afford grace to yourself in these moments. Even in times of healing and wholeness, one may endure a space of sorrow caused by the previous offenses of others. Signals and seeds of deceit, dishonesty, dishonor, and discouragement linger even when the offenses have long past. The toxic nature of these seeds can cut deep into the Soul and are difficult to expel. If I allowed  the seeds of my grief and frustrations to fester any longer, the Soul could have affected my Spirit, which was steady on the course of my Journey. A Soul suffering for a continuous period of time can easily push you off track from your journey, and ultimately affect your goals, your purpose, and yes, even your destiny. 

Thankfully I was able and willing to reccorrect my course. God enabled my Soul to be healed once again, through the flooding of his word, his truth, and his trusted vessels, all while reviving my (almost) weary Soul. 

Dr. Rob Reimer, one of the greatest “soul stewards” of modern times, declared an infamous quote: “You may have been victimized, but you are not a victim- that is not your identity. That’s a lie.” Although it was a painful period or pain point I should say ( the last 14 days) God ushered me into sovereign supportive surrender that allowed me to yield unto him not my “flesh of feelings.” You are allowed to have feelings, but you cannot allow that moment to become a Mountain or a major obstacle in your life, because there are greater events on the horizon.  Allow yourself time to grieve and come to terms with the truth that others may have caused you offense. But once you have gone through the healing process, you must also realize that the people who affected you do not deserve the “new space” God has given and gifted you. Frankly, you CANNOT afford to give people access to such a tender, awakened, aware and authentic space.  Beloved, you must remain intact and in tune to yourself so that the SOUL & SPIRIT stay in the path of GOD’S GLORY.  

Keeping resentment or grudges from the past not only hinders your relationships with others, but the continued toxicity also eats aways at your own Soul. NO ONE is perfect. Give yourself and others permission to learn from their mistakes, even if others never realize the damage that they caused you. By releasing guilt, pain, and frustration, you inhabit a new space, one that  allows you to grow, evolve, and transform while on Life’s Journey. When I recognize Truth and Transformation God has afforded my Soul I can stand in True Conviction.

After dwelling in a painful moment, ABBA released this Revelation and present reality for those who are ready to listen and receive. Courageous, Candid, & Complicated Conversations must be had in order for the Soul to be fueled and strengthened. It does not serve anyone to hide behind spirituality, because spirituality alone cannot heal the Soul. The Soul will beckon for more because the Soul is not at total rest. With this being said, will still serve its audience with blogs, books, prophetic prayers, audio, meditations, and much more. But it will also now serve in its highest capacity, serving God’s original intention and attention. God affords me the availability and ability to consistently provide a Space in Safety, Truth, and Honest Conversations. With that in mind, I begin with a New Podcast Series, titled Conversational Letters with Abba, accompanied with Audio Translations, found HERE. Additionally, please meditate on the video below.