A Thankful Soul (It Is Well)

A Thankful Soul (It Is Well)

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows, like sea billows roll, whatever my lot,
thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my Soul.” 

Holidays are painted to be a picture of perfection.  Families come together, with laughter cascading and oodles of joy filling the corridors of homes and cabins. The festive decor alone should send the average holiday novice to a mindset of total bliss. Yet, under the dining room tables filled with turkey, stuffing, green beans, cornbread, and cranberry sauce lies solitude, sadness, grief, sorrow, loneliness,and fear. For many households struggle with their own personal reckoning; the reality that this year, the festivities do not represent what the television or social media portrays.

Tears were in my soul today. This may sound strange to those who are strong, but to those who have felt weak and have struggled, tears are the powerful gift that you give yourself. Tears are the result of truth and true freedom; you become free enough to surrender, even in moments of struggle or discomfort. Through tears, you consciously make a choice to show up in despondency and discovery. Just know that YOU will get through this.  As the rain keeps falling, you release strength in every tear you shed. A virtuous moment is on the horizon, filled with valuable courage to tell the truth without shame or worry. The Holy Spirit ushers me to say this because your tears speak to me, Abba Father, and no one else. Abba whispers gently: “Daughter cry out, I will abide, Help is Nigh, for your tears are sincere. Don’t Let go. Lean in and Look up so I can support you.”

Secrets breed sickness, and lies beget fear. Is this what’s really showing up at this moment? It may not be in the diagnosis or disorder, but the secret in hiding that you are struggling, that is actually causing you pain. I use this blog as an agent of change, and I dare you to reach out to someone you love to truly check-in. The happiest time of the year can be the saddest and most stressful season, and this year can especially bring out the darkness within. To reach out is not a sign of weakness, but one of strength, as you are brave enough to release your truth into the world. I also encourage you to be gracious, compassionate,and considerate enough to take the time and check in with others this season. A phone call, text, or the blessing of an invitation can be the one thing that brings a pocket of peace and joy to their soul. In return, the deed will give YOU peace as well. We must share our struggles with others, and provide compassion to those who are struggling. This is the only way to let go of the darkness and reveal the layers of truth and light in those around us. Let us share in this season like we have never shared before, and surround the world with layers of truth and light. For we are the hope of God’s glory, and we are the layers of light upon a dark world.

It is tradition to write about what you are most thankful or grateful for. Although I am thankful for many things, I am profoundly grateful to experience the joy that I gain after yielding to sorrow. I am grateful for the authentic space God grants me to lean into. I am thankful for the pulse of peace that navigates my soul, where I dare not overthink. And I am thankful to be His Daughter  and His chosen beloved, thus allowing the divine comforter to reside in my vehicle, my voice, and my vessel. God, thank you for allowing layers of Love, Truth, and Light to fill me up. Thank you for allowing my unseen anchors of angels to strengthen, support, and surround me in this moment. Thank you for filling my lungs when I feel like I can’t breathe, and thank you for giving me the courage to use my voice in times of darkness. 

Most importantly, to my readers, Thank YOU for listening, reading, and supporting me in becoming the Extraordinary & Unorthodox Healer that I am called to be. As Neale Donald Walsh once said, “The Struggle ends when gratitude begins…”