Are you Ready for Love?

Are you Ready for Love?

There are many interpretations for the word “Love”. It can be an action, a feeling, or an ambience. The smell and snuggle of something new, clear, fresh blue water, the smell of nature, or for me a clean house, clean sheets, and a good read to dive into. Or it could be one of the greatest loves on earth, the birthing of a newborn baby.  However, there is no greater act of love than to lay down your life for your brother or sister as scripture declares. (John 15:13)

Yet, in addition to love being experiences or sacrifices, there is a kind of fullness in love.  You become aware of who you are as a person, and no longer possess a contained view of Identity contaminated by former cares or crosses. It is a Great Love to express and experience, one that ought to make you shout for joy or become excited about Self-Discovery, Healing, and Transformation. It motivates our souls to Surrender our lives and lies. It bears light for one another, so that the direction of the Savior, the one who calls us friend, is One within us. Our crisis in Identity is resolved and reserved with a fervent confidence that God’s love is reliable, resilient, and redeemable.

We will never be denied the power of love, given by God in the form Jesus. He uses that power to perform and perfect everything concerning us (Psalm 138: 8). Jesus is the agent of possibility and change. He is the avenue of everlasting Hope. He is the boldness in our breath, belief, and strength obtained. He is the calm understanding in the midst of doubt. He is the rhythm when tension arises. He is the measure and treasure of undeniable truth and he is the gift that keeps on giving. He is the source of wonder and works: the author of our life story, and the FINISHER of our Faith. Jesus changes the narrative of our Soul. Therefore, let the “New” pages of life be filled with God’s movement, God’s manner, and God’s mind. Let the Light, Love, Laughter, and Life be filled without regrets, but with riches and regards of Favor and Fruit.  That, my precious brothers and sisters, is the Greatest treasure in Life. In the name of Love, we shall express and experience Love as friends and children of God.

Father, thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for protecting me, for keeping me safe, for thinking of me, and considering me in your thought (Psalm 8:4). Your will and your ways shall be evident and established here on Earth and in Heaven. Adonai, there is no greater love, no greater life that the one I strive to attain and maintain daily. Just as you called forth Lazarus, Elijah called forth rain, and Joshua told the sun to stand still. I call forth greatness to manifest. I call for a power that does not explode, but slowly burns within us. God, I am ready for your Release. In Jesus name, I am Ready for Love!