Finding Your Inner Peace

Finding Your Inner Peace

Do you ever have a day, or days, where your soul is so restless and unsteady, that it drains your energy for the rest of the day?  Well my friend…
JUST DO IT: A Lesson in Motivation

JUST DO IT: A Lesson in Motivation

Often in life, we find ourselves just going through the motions or daily routines as usual, without truly understanding or respecting the responsibility that we carry out day to day. …
Continuing the Mission

Continuing the Mission

Matthew 28:19-20:  “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to…
The Bereaved Heart

The Bereaved Heart   The concepts of Grief and Bereavement, while similar in nature, are two very different processes. Grief is the natural process after death or loss that triggers sadness…
The Stationary Factor

The Stationary Factor

It is interesting that in the midst of a pandemic, a crisis that is filled with chaos and confusion that we are require to act against our own human nature…