Don’t Look Back: A Lesson In Trust and Faith

Don’t Look Back: A Lesson In Trust and Faith

Many of us are holding onto things that we cannot change.  Let me paint you a picture: you have prayed for so long to get yourself out of that sinful place, whether that is fear, guilt, greed, jealousy, or animosity.  You have asked the Lord to deliver you from your plagued spirit.  Yet, when you ask the Lord to bring you through, past your troubled state, you keep looking back.  Why are you looking back? Are you afraid of rejection? Are you afraid of what others might say? Are you afraid of what the future holds? What are you holding on to? 

The story of Lot and his family escaping Sodom and Gomorrah perfectly represents the toxicity of looking back and holding onto things of the past.

The angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful. When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, “Run for your lives! And don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away!”  (Genesis 19:17-18)

In this text, Lot and his family received a clear warning from the Lord to “Run for your lives and don’t look back”.  Lot hesitated when receiving this command, probably because he did not want to abandon the wealth, comfort or position that he had in Sodom. Lot had lived so long with ungodly people and became complacent with such behavior that he allowed his environment to shape him, instead of him shaping his environment. He didn’t want to leave what he thought to be “Good Life.”  But what Lot thought was good was actually ruining his spirit. The vast amount of sin and debauchery was harming him and his family instead of healing them. God loved him and his family so much that he told the angels to help them escape from the wasteland of Sodom in order to be saved. It goes to show that no matter how deep in pain and sin you may be, if you have faith, there is always a road to salvation.

Lot’s Wife was also attached to the things that she left behind.  She was attached to her old lifestyle that she had in Sodom.  Attached to the prestige and the comfort of her home and wealth. But by being attached to Sodom, she was also attached to the wickedness that was taking place in the city. In fact, she was so attached that she just had to take a last look at Sodom. She looked back at what she thought she was losing, what she believed she was missing out on, what she thought she was leaving behind. Her heart was not fully cut off from the things of her old life.  When she decided to look back, she immediately turned into a pillar of salt, and stuck in the wasteland that she was ordered to escape from. Lot’s Wife ultimately allowed the lifestyle of Sodom to contaminate her spirit.  Because of her stronghold, she failed to see how God was moving her to be, and all that she could gain with her life renewed and bountiful. Lot’s Wife did not trust that God was looking out for her best interests when evacuating Sodom. She clearly disregards the warning, help, and guidance of God, and as a result, ended up losing everything. Lot’s Wife serves as a reminder that without faith, and without the full trust in God, one has nothing.

We too are guilty of holding on to our past lives, whether for comfort, validation, or more importantly control. We don’t take the warnings from God seriously. We dip and dap back into our lifestyle, doing a little bit of what we shouldn’t be doing and then switching back to righteous behavior. We find ourselves going back to that old relationship or friendship that was toxic, just to “catch up” with them. Before we know it we find ourselves slipping right back into the same patterns, the same relationships, and the same actions that were hurting instead of healing us. However, The Bible tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thy own understanding and in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.” Jesus is the author and finisher of our Faith.  Jesus is the one who is in control of your life.  Jesus is your healer, Jesus is your creator, Jesus is your provider and comforter. Stop living your life halfway and put all your faith unto Him. Step into your full life right now. Take a stand, and give your all to Jesus Christ, for you will have eternal Life.     

For that reason, it is time to hit the fast forward button and move on to the next chapter, the next season, the next blessing, the next breakthrough, and the next deliverance that God has for our lives. Today, I will leave the comforts of the present and I will take a stand. I will no longer look back and concentrate on the past. From this day forth, I am pressing towards my future. I am putting all of my faith unto him, and trusting him to guide me in my pathway. Jesus paid the price on Calvary so that we all might have life and have it abundantly. No more carrying the guilt, no more carrying the shame, no more doubting the decisions that were once made.  Today marks a new day towards the rest of your life. Today is your new beginning. Today, you have received a fresh start in the name of Jesus.  Amen!!