Finding What You Need and Coping in Times of Change

Finding What You Need and Coping in Times of Change


January has always proven to be a time of transition. With a new year, a new president, and the new hope of receiving a vaccine, our society is on the precipice of much change. However, not everyone responds to change in the same way. One might associate change with an intense amount of pressure, and not only resist the change, but resist the people making the change as well. 

What we must remember is that some change is inevitable, no matter how much we resist against it. It is a hard pill to swallow because there are many things, especially during this difficult time, that are out of our control. But even in times of adversity, how we React and Recover from change can determine our whole outlook on the future. If we dig our heels in and resist change, we will only make the pitfalls of our adversity seem greater and harder to overcome. We reinforce the same bad habits and negative mentality that got us INTO the pitfall in the first place. How are we supposed to grow and move if we are encouraging the same bad habits of the past? 

Nothing positive comes out of fighting against the inevitable. Instead, we must inspect and make peace with the root of our resistance. WHY exactly are we pushing back. Is it because of insecurity, or fear, or even anxiety of the unknown? These feelings are completely natural, and at times can overwhelm us. What we can do is focus on the things that we CAN control, like our eating habits, exercise, and taking care our our emotional wellness. Remember, YOU are in the driver’s seat, focus on what YOU need in order to make positive progress, no matter how big or small the need is. Progress can be done as slowly or as quickly as you like, but ANY work is GOOD work, and each little step will bring you closer to your future. 

We must rewire our mentality about change from one of fear to one of personal growth. Times of massive change, when in the right headspace, can provide the perfect opportunity to look within and self reflect. We may not be able to avoid or  resist change, but we can direct our energy into making sure that ANY change can be a positive change. Use this time not to fight against fate, but to focus on the GOOD that can come out of the small personal changes you make. I assure you, it will make ALL the difference in your journey.