Finding Your Inner Peace

Finding Your Inner Peace

Do you ever have a day, or days, where your soul is so restless and unsteady, that it drains your energy for the rest of the day?  Well my friend and Co-laborers, I understand all too well what those days look like. You wake up excited with zeal and zest for life at first. But then, throughout the day, an unspoken wave of dis-ease and fatigue overwhelms you. By the end of the day, it takes all of your energy and strength to finish the most remedial of tasks. Why do we feel this way? 

Consider this: on occasion, we all need a moment to settle, be still, and emotionally recharge. No matter how much physical strength we have, if we are not emotionally in the right headspace, our soul will easily suck up and drain all the energy we have. Taking moments throughout the week to emotionally and spiritually check in is just as important as eating or getting enough sleep. These moments of introspection guide us, and help us move valiantly in discovering and cultivating our inner peace.    

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”
John 14:27

This bible passage reminds us that peace is necessary, but also is a divine gift that comes from God, the Holy Spirit, as our comforter. In fact, our inner peace is solely given us by God and ordained through the life and eternal presence of Jesus Christ. This makes our connection to God pivotal for our mental and emotional health. By reaching out and talking to God, you are taking a moment of self reflection. By praying you reflect and take account of what you are grateful for and what you need to move forward. A spiritual relationship to God grounds, centers, and gives your Soul intention and direction, for the relationship you create with God is one you also create with yourself. The energy and devotion you give immediately transforms into peace and serenity, reverberating back to you tenfold by God himself. 

Serenity is calling your name, GOD is calling your name, but you may not know where to begin. How do we take that moment for ourselves, when the world moves at such a fast pace?  What do you do when life continually headlocks and tries to derail you through grief, growth, and unexpected change? Know that there is always gain in moments of tumult. God actually calls us through these encounters with misfortune to come and find peace and shelter in Him.  Even when our hearts are broken, tears are endless, and minds wrestle with understanding our truths, God wants us to know that He is always with us. 

Society may not encourage or value it, but moments of pause are greatly needed and should be incorporated into our day to day lives. Know that there is always time to take time and connect with God. Consciously make the choice to find (or create) a moment solely for  yourself. Take a moment do some deep breathing exercises, meditate, pray, and reflect with God. It does not matter if it is five minutes or fifty, just having the intention to be still and connect will benefit you in unexpected ways. For God will use whatever time you make to anchor you through the power, HIS power, of inner peace. Therefore dear hearts, take a moment to reflect with God, and allow Him to reposition you in the compass of His care. Let His Power of Peace ignite you to get up, live another day, and pursue life without regret.

May the river of God’s healing hand provide the peace you need; today and everyday. Amen.