Four Simple Words

Four Simple Words

LIFE maintains so much power in our daily walk and vocabulary. We wonder from day to day or echo these words, ‘What will Life bring?” “Where do I see my Life heading?” Or we humbly say “I thank God for my Life”. I often recite this quote once shared with me many years ago, ”Life is not a problem to be solved, but something to be experienced.” or what about the infamous words of Forrest Gump who stated, ”Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re going to get.” 

I echo these profound statements because we as human beings, wrestling and navigating through life, don’t recognize just how precious Life is until Life has been lost. We are so caught up in our own hardships or hurdles, which seem difficult to handle at the time, that when we lose a life of a loved one, it forces us to shift our perspective. It is safe to say that we don’t acknowledge how precious life is until we encounter or reach this uncomfortable position. 

Loss forces us to evaluate our own lives, and examine which direction our Life is headed. But I tell you that in spite of chronically pondering on the thought of what lies ahead, let us be reminded of WHO lies ahead. Our lives are not our own. Jesus tells his disciples in Mark 8 ”If anyone wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross and follow me.” (NIV) The text further goes on to ask in v. 36, “How does it benefit a man to gain the world and lose your soul?”

This promotes a profound question: “What is worth your soul?”, or shall I say “What is worth your Life?” I challenge you beautiful people to embrace all that Life has to offer in Christ. Do not focus on selfish personal goals to the point in which you lose sight of why you were given Life to begin with. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us, and sudden loss reminds us of this every day. You may inadvertently be giving up your Life by settling for less than the best or subjecting yourself to unhealthy movements. Yet I encourage you to fight to maintain Life above ground for the sake of righteous living. Do not allow your Life to be in vain, but let your living be a light in the midst of darkness. Your choices and acts provide an example of Jesus and Light, and through that example others can also attain a True and Full Life. What a treasure it is, to be found by God and to marvel at just how sweet each day of Life is and can be with Jesus.

Life changing Prayer: Father, Thank you for the Gift of Life. Thank you for the opportunity to share the joys and trials of Life with others. Help us to make wiser decisions so that our living will not be in vain. May your Holy Spirit lead us and direct us. Allow my life to be pleasing unto you. I desire to Live on Purpose and with Purpose for your Glory.  Teach me the way to go as I walk in total Obedience to your will for my life. I am excited to Live and each day honor you with the Fruit of my lips to speak in wisdom, power, peace and proper Perspective.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.