Get Off at the Exit!

Get Off at the Exit!

Life is truly more complicated than “like a box of chocolates”.  Yes, you never know what you are going to get. But life also takes you in directions you do not expect, and when that happens, most of the time you do not know how to respond. One day you make a decision and the next day, death or disease is knocking at the door, and you have to adjust the decision you just made. There is a reason why they say “Hindsight is 20/20”; sudden life changes can be frustrating to say the least. But when the Lord has graced you with and for a specific purpose, you must gain proper perspective. These minor delays, detours, unexpected decisions, or issues are specifically designed to Distract you, Derail you, and Deter you from Destiny. You must either make a conscious decision to stay on your current course or be inspired to abruptly change your path.

Weeks ago while traveling home from a day of appointments, I approached a great deal of traffic ahead. Right before I was about to be 5 cars deep into waiting for a new exit, the spirit nudged me to get off abruptly. So without hesitation I immediately got off the exit, which ended up saving me a lot of time on my commute. Sometimes “getting off at the exit” or changing your course can have its benefits and make your life easier in the long run, however jarring it may be in the short term. There are pros and cons to each decision. Yet,  when you listen to your instincts, you listen to God’s spirit talking and guiding you on where to turn. Trust those instincts, however uncomfortable it may be. In doing so, you will have trust and faith in God. 

May these 3 practical steps encourage your Soul to be open to the possibilities that are available when we are willing to change directions.                                          

Get Over Yourself. Beloved, what is happening to you right now has nothing to do with you. Please stop asking yourself “Why me?” and begin to ask “God, What are you trying to say?” and “What do I do with the time you have given?” As I was watching the movie Wall Street with actor Michael Keaton, there is a scene in the early beginning right before a major loss of finances where the younger Wall Street broker says to the veteran: “What’s our next move? What do we do?” The veteran responds and states, “You are asking the wrong question son. You should be asking ‘Who’s next?’” This is such an important and  impactful conversation. It creates a kind of peace and clarity, knowing that after tumult, you are next in line to receive all that God has for you. However, the next event will only become in your line of vision when you operate in obedience, focus, and willingness to follow the path God abruptly put you on. The bible declares in Psalm 84:11 “No good thing shall be withheld from those that walk upright.” Therefore, get over it and follow His lead! Do not give the  previous problem or distraction anymore unproductive attention. Stay focused and open, so that when the next opportunity arises, you will reap a great reward.                                                    

Step 2: Get Up & GET GOING
Movement and Momentum are so vital in this hour. Exercise can be very therapeutic when committed to regularly. I have discovered that short walks release endorphins and remove any toxic chemicals from the body. This also applies to making life choices; even the smallest of movements makes a huge difference. I do not care if your definition of “Get Up & Get Going” involves moving to the next room in the house, driving to the park, making a doctor’s appointment, or calling a friend to have a car-side chat with. The Key is to just DO something. All of these Movements ignite momentum and provoke change, both in the body and mind, and will propel you towards your next destination.          

Step 3: Get IN GEAR, Get IT & GIVE IT AWAY 
I know the challenges you are facing are hard work.  Whatever your “IT” may be (the thing that you are working on, the death you are trying to grieve, the job you are trying to get or keep), other people’s success may seem like you are not  moving fast enough. Yet, every step you take is one step closer, every breath God gives you is for a purpose. The Lord says, “Do not worry about the provision I will provide, Get IT and GIVE IT!!! I AM your provider, freely I give to you, freely you give away.” You may be asking, so What am I GETTING? You are getting Greater revelations, Greater resources, Greater understanding, Greater knowledge.                                       

Ask yourself these questions:
a. What new space is refreshing for my Soul?
b. What revelation is changing your life?               
c. What resistance are you facing?            
d. What have you learned in this season?

Beloved, whatever the answers may be, GET IT and then GIVE IT AWAY- Share all that you have learned and experienced, so that you gain power through God and life does not claim power over you. The focus is to stay open in the rhythm and realm of receiving wisdom & revelation. 

As I end this blog I echo these words: Do NOT be afraid to pull over abruptly or to change directions. I dare you to take the risk and GET OFF THE EXIT, so that you can enter the territory God has in store for you! The previous struggles were sent to nag you, gnaw on you, and as a result, produce nothing of substance. “Worrying adds a single hour to your life” Matthew 6:27.  Give up your attachments, pray, and put your trust and actions outwards to change your momentum. Do not let your worries have power over you and share what you have learned on the path God has provided for you. Get off that Exit, and continue to strive towards your destination;  you may find a better journey in the process.