JUST DO IT: A Lesson in Motivation

JUST DO IT: A Lesson in Motivation

Often in life, we find ourselves just going through the motions or daily routines as usual, without truly understanding or respecting the responsibility that we carry out day to day.  Some of us secretly and seriously struggle with completing our tasks, whether big, little or in between. It begins with simple acts of procrastination and avoidance; such as ignore the bills and allowing them to pile up as though they will disappear.  Or you start missing appointments or evading people’s calls just so you don’t have to deal with the tasks associated with them. Everything you do feels overwhelming, causing major discomfort and anxiety; even hanging out with friends seems like an immeasurable challenge in the moment. And suddenly, you ask the question, “Why is it becoming so difficult just to simply breathe?

Can I just be honest with you?  I’m struggling with doing stuff too.  I find myself for the past several months crouching behind my sin of disobedience. God has been telling me to do something for a while now. Yet I have allowed fear, dread, and all the other excuses or voices to prevent my movements, thus avoiding my responsibility and accountability with God. 

In order to un-break this cycle, you must first get to the root of the issue. There are two questions that I dare to ask:

1.) What is IT that you are struggling to do?  It could be anything that causes you hesitancy, such as:

  • Starting school
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Leaving job/ making a career change
  • Stepping up in the family/ business
  • Paying off your debt
  • Marrying your longtime lover
  • Divorcing and moving on with your life

And 2.) What is causing so much difficulty in doing what you have to do?

Is it because of fear of the outcome or of rejection? Are you struggling to figure out what your first steps should be?   Are you lacking the resources needed to move forward?  Or do you simply have no interest, and really just don’t want to do it!? (Some days when I just don’t want to be bothered too!)Whatever it is, no matter how many times you huff and puff, cry or moan to yourselves and your friends about all the reasons why we can’t do something.  The reality is that in this season of rebirth and renewal, you cannot afford to miss the mark. Do not forfeit the promise God has for you, just DO what you gotta do!

This may remind you of the infamous Slogan by Nike “JUST DO IT!”,  and there is some truth to that claim; it is a slogan of strength and authority. I mean when you hear the phrase “Just Do It”, there is no struggle; there is depth, no questions, no murmuring. It is an extremely direct message, providing a clear motivation to help you get the task at hand done (in this case, purchase their shoes).  Nike is inferring to their audience that these sneakers give you the power to “Do It”, or conquer what you have to overcome.

The slogan wasn’t just selected to push products; the origin of the slogan was based on 1988 killing of a man whose last words declared JUST DO IT!  Use your imagination: Picture a Man bound to a chair, hands tied down, with a black bag over his head. Twenty feet in front of him are five men with guns aimed in his direction. And the man’s last words before such a bloody death is to give instruction, in fact PERMISSION, to his executors.  These words are said with no emotion, no fear, and no distraction, but instead with authenticity, clarity and certainty.  

Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that my last words would be, JUST DO IT. For a minute, I thought to myself this man was crazy, insensitive, or incredibly bold!  But one positive outlook from such a disturbing scenario is that people, when placed in front of the firing squad are much stronger than they think. Through this man’s bravery and directness, he inadvertently created a legacy that will continue for centuries to come. Just like this man, we too can conquer the things we have to do if we just make the direct and motivated decision to follow our destiny and JUST DO.

“Be on your guard (be alert), Stand firm in your faith (Act like men), be courageous; be strong and do everything in Love.”   1 Cor. 16:13-14

In this quote, the apostle Paul gives his version of “Just Do It” in his final instructions to the Church or Corinth. The Church has made many mistakes in the past, causing a lot of damage to not only the congregation, but themselves as well.  While Paul was disappointed with the congregation, he looked forward to the future, and gave them direct advice that would help them through the challenging times in their faith. In addition, Paul sent the apostle Timothy to the Church to provide further inspiration and encouragement. Timothy’s purpose was to instill in the Church of Corinth a strong, standing faith that would withstand any attack from outside enemies.

This is the beauty of faith and serving Jesus Christ. In the midst of all of our mistakes and bad decisions, Jesus does not let us fend for ourselves, but instead finds many ways to help and support us. He encourages us to believe that we are survivors, and can endure and overcome if we just follow His instructions. The message of “Just do it”, has been around for centuries. Whether in the bible or in modern times, the message is universal and impacts us all. It touches Paul, the writer, Timothy, the encourager and deliverer, and even reaches you and I, the receivers of the message. 

The core of the message is that you don’t really know how strong you are until you have lived through it and come out the other side. While you are in the thick of it, your challenges seem so heavy and overwhelming. We often fall short in our most painful moments because we are focused on our physical strength versus spiritual strength. But you have to make the conscious choice to move forward, to move THROUGH the pain and uncertainty, to “JUST DO IT”! Even if your body is unwilling, your spirit will carry you through, and Jesus with encourage you at every step throughout the journey. Your strength is not limited when you are in right communion with the Lord. Even when you don’t feel good, it’s all good, because God’s got you. I may not have it all together, but God’s got it. Therefore, use this writing as an encouragement from the Lord and make the choice to finish whatever you need to start. Just do it, you won’t regret it.