The Power In Discovery

The Power In Discovery

There is POWER in Discovery. Discovering what is working for you and what isn’t. Discovering your passions and your pains, your pressures and pleasures. It is in the unfolding and unveiling of what you dare not to see, the inward dimensions that still need sifting through, and the reflection providing us prayer points and divine focus. 

Discovery is a state of full blown birthing & discernment. In order to pivot your life for the better, one must be able to discern and ultimately discover differences in three powerful areas:

Discerning what is God’s weight. 
Discerning Gifted weight. 
 Discerning What Guilt-Weight is. 

As you manifest the differences in these areas, you can then decipher what to carry and what to release in your life.

Let’s tackle #1- God’s weight. What God has called you to do on earth; it is what you have specifically been chosen for.  Is it teaching? Writing? Advocating for children? Is it to heal? Is it in Medicine? Yes, assignment does involve vocation, however, your occupation is not the only ingredient for your assignment. There is a discipline in finding a true purpose, and knowing what to do so you can fulfill that calling. For example, if you are called to government, research the spheres in government, become a mentor in your local area or  assemblies, and become active in smaller changes in local government. As your purpose is more defined, your passion will grow and your stewardship will illuminate the lives of other people. 

2.) Discerning Gifted weight. There are so many gifts in the world and in the body of Christ,  whether it be singing, praying, preaching, leadership, sports, compassion, insight, or intellect.  Yet these gifts come with enormous weight and pressure, such as NFL or NBA or artists, musicians, to constantly perform successfully or accurately. As a writer and educator, sometimes I feel the pressure to always provide content or curriculum. I dwell in the realm of creativity constantly which isn’t always a positive weight to carry. Gifted weight when in proper perspective can be Powerful, by keeping you focused and on track. However, gifted weight without proportionate perspective becomes painful and miserable if it goes unchecked. One must remember that these gifts should also come with the purpose and pleasure of satisfying God. Using one’s gift produces character and discipline, but striving towards perfection as a human is a failed mission. No amount of effort or discipline can make us perfect. The effort in performing our gifts should go towards perfecting solely the craft, not the individual. 

3.) Lastly, Guilty weight is by far the worst type of weight to carry. It steals your joy, shrugs your shoulders, stiffens your neck, hardens your heart, and robs you of the opportunity to be free and FULL OF LIFE. Guilt comes from a place of shame for something you did, or even for what someone else did to you. Guilt shadows lack of innocence, it highlights imperfections, deficits, and areas in life where you are out of control. A spirit of offense takes root, and every negative thought, word, or deed becomes hurtful or harmful. However Guilty weight is released when you choose to release it. Release all of the negative thoughts, shame, worries, and guilt, and most importantly control to God. It is time to discover what is yours; choose what is yours to carry and what is yours to release. In this release, shoulders gain a new posture, minds gain new perspective, and hearts are shifted for the better.                           

One must go through the process of discovery in order to make discernments in all areas of life.
To help in the process of discovery, here are four practical steps to keep you aware, honest, and open.

1.) Make your RequestPray to God and ask yourself some questions that provoke thought and propel movement. Seek guidance from mentors, coaches, or successful individuals who have mastered what you desire. Ask others for help in the area you desire to grow in.

2.) Readily ListenPossess an open ear to hear and wait for the answer with expectancy. Be mindful that the Art of Listening doesn’t always require stillness in the body, but rather a stillness in a secure mindset, while possessing a direct and centered focus. In your daily movement, (working, washing clothes, taking care of children or home) look and listen for God to speak, either  through other people or through actions taken in unexpected situations. God speaks in the unexpected moments where his volume brings Joy to our Souls, but it requires movement, stillness, and a cultivated balance of Mind, Body, Spirit, & Soul.

3.) Readily Recognize what is RequiredKnow what you are doing so that you can navigate in the right direction. Identify what it is and what it will take to achieve it. If God is calling you to be a public speaker, align yourself with speakers. Find opportunities to speak even if it is just in the grocery store or gas station. Take public speaking courses. Write out and record short messages to get acquainted with your sound. These will all help you gain insight and intellect for your craft, while remaining interested, integrated, and impactful in your field. (In other words you won’t grow stale.)                   

4.) Respond quickly–  It is often a well known truth that delayed obedience is disobedience. Each time we put off today for tomorrow, the spirit of procrastination grows. Each delay derails the opportunity for life changing growth and gain. It is vital to move without haste. By responding quickly, it leads you on the path of righteous manifestation here on earth by preventing excessive, negative thoughts to steer you in the wrong direction. 

In this new season, allow God and the Holy Spirit to continuously guide you and anchor you in the direction he has set before you. We cannot afford to waste crops, but to steward and sow the seeds. The Gift of Discovery allows one to sow their seeds in the right field so that they can cultivate and bear the fruits of health, happiness, and fulfillment in one’s life. I wish you a season that is plentiful in discernment, decisions, and Discovery. Amen.