The Value of Relationships

The Value of Relationships

Beloved, I really had to confront the issue that I was having surrounding this issue. In addition, I had to possess the willingness and confidence in God to pursue his Truth. God afforded me the bountiful blessing to FINALLY come to this resolve.  First things first; you were always My daughter, My beloved child. You are the apple of my eye. I realized that adoption carried an undercurrent of abandonment and rejection for most of my life. No matter what love was given out or gifted in, I felt un-wanted.  I recognized after a major heart break in my plan (not God’s plan or desire) that if I Am/We are to live out, become, and know that Our Personal relationship with God is what makes us son-ships of God. As we receive his Spirit, adopted by the father, we are no longer slaves to Fear (Roman’s 8:15). There is no more fear of the Father’s love and he will perfect every plan concerning me/Us. This is the Perspective that must strongly be considered.

I can admit I wrestled many times with discord and dysfunction in my Family and I wondered if the disconnect would ever change. Perhaps, possessing my own personal family, husband, children  would lift the burden of despair? I assumed the burden of Family would get lighter when I had my own, but after Treasures of Tears were shed, God revealed this: God has always given and gifted me with the grace to be adopted into many families. As a demonstration of his love for me I could get what I need, or thought I was lacking. Even with my own story, adoption was truly a gift. Having Surrogates and Sages in Ministry along with my Friends gave me so much at every stage of my life. It is vital to change the dynamics, or our perspective, in our surroundings. We must trace back to embark on the journey of truth and transformation in Christ, so that we can live in the abundant life, not merely exist.

The burden of Family and Relationships are the Kingdom’s mentality, the way of the Kingdom Living and will of the Father. Individuality  (selfish-ideals/thinking I am better alone) puts one’s mind in a wind tunnel, but Communication and Community is the Kingdom’s Mind. As we Grow in God, in his Grace and Glory, we must heal from the damage of not being in the Right relationships and not making the Right Decisions. We must restore, rebuild, replenish, and reconcile our hearts back to God with Intentional intimacy. Just like the way we pursued that man, job, idea, etc…, pursue me with Greater intention and demand says the Lord. Being in Relationship, being a Covenant Partner with the Holy Spirit, teaches us where to go and navigates our path (Prov. 19:21). After realizing this, I had to let go of what I had in mind regarding family & relationships. I had to consider and commit to understand my Rights, Roles and Responsibilities.

Ask these questions in Forgiveness, Bridging the Gap, and Repairing the breach: What Role Did I play? What Role do I Play now? What Responsibilities must I/ they carry? And Declare over yourself: I have a Right for the best, God wants to give me more. Meditate on these scriptures to get back on track TODAY and remember Redirection leads to Resurrection & Right Relationships provoke Right Decisions (Psalm 86: 11-13).

Declare This: May the Oil of Favorable Relationships blow my way. I am WALKING into Divine Relationships that are delightful and bring me towards the purposeful character of God in Jesus name, Amen (Psalm 84, Jeremiah 17: 7-8).