“Your only Job in life is to please God, and to be you, your best you.
In doing that, you show love in whatever way and God gives it back everyday.”
“Not every bridge crossed has been burned. Not every step forward
means you’re forgotten. Some journeys demand discovery
via distance towards doors called destiny to deter further delays.
“You are worth the sacrifice, you are worth the wait,
you are worth the journey, and you are worth the learning.
God says it’s your turn. You are worth everything; you are God’s gift.
All you must do is… surrender and receive.”
“Don’t be afraid be afraid of being outnumbered.
Eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.”
“Work hard even when working hard!
You must be willing to launch further than your depths and further than your doubts.
But, go deeper into the resistance and distance and draw closer to that mountain,
which is calling you to be great! #daretogohigher.”
Be consistent and congruent when you’re uncomfortable,
so that your character matches your conduct!
“Destiny isn’t a detour or distraction; it’s a decision.”
“I am happy, healthy, harmonious; nothing shall hinder me. My healing has come.”
“Your only Job in life is to please God, and to be you, your best you.
In doing that, you show love in whatever way and God gives it back everyday.”
“Power Statement: My faith changes my feelings
and annihilates the facts that shall never stop me to respond in faith.”
“Until you change your thinking, you will always recycle your experiences.
This is a powerful moment of redefining. Question: What is the one thing
that you can change that you would change everything? Your mind.”
“Help us to prioritize our time and tasks, so that brings glory and honors you.”
“Maybe this journey of love, healing, transformation, restoration, and discovery,
isn’t about the now or next, but everlasting and eternal love, life, laughter and lifting!”
“Choosing you and your happiness is never easy.
However, living with regret and fear is difficult to endure daily.
Therefore, keep doing that very thing until it becomes easy.”
“The definition of strength: it seems shaky, yet, sound. Surreal, but solid,
scared, yet, safe and secure. This brings forth surrender and sacrifice.
It is the true demonstration of solidification.”
“Every time you are feeling uneased, remember to breathe and let God lead.”
“Surrender is a conscious choice to allow God, Truth, and Faith
to flow abundantly within you and without.”
“You cannot afford to worry about who won’t be there for the Glory
when they were only supposed to be part of the story. Believe this:
the book is being written and people who God ordained is part of a chapter,
other than that give them a page and keep on turning!”
“Don’t be discouraged because you go unnoticed.
God is positioning you in private,
so when he presents you in Public you won’t plummet.
Believe instead you will propel into purpose!”
“You must battle while you are building.”
“When I am silent or still, I am not shutting down.
It’s me recognizing that I need a pit stop for peace, which signals I need worship. “