Why Surrender?

Why Surrender?


Good Morning!

You called “Transformation”,  Today I woke up feeling so calm, rested and inspired. I didn’t feel the need to panic or pretend like I did not desire to snuggle next to Love, in fact, demanded that Love greet me head on and headlock my soul as I commune with You. You, who makes my soul laugh even when no joke has been told. You, who has created a glow that illuminates the room and is felt through the phone as though 100 watts isn’t enough light. A fire is burning within to create magic, music and a sweet harmony of everlasting frequency and fluency. The liquid vibrations and rivers that are flowing with just a thought of your warm embrace, your tender kiss that shields my tears. Oh how I love being in your presence, experiencing your touch, it’s like that first high that keeps me coming back for more and more. Searching for another conversation & revelation which brings forth rejuvenation. What are you doing to me? I’m ready to submit, commit, admit and demand that this union abide and reside permanently. Your unfailing and unwavering  love. You never change and are the same today, yesterday and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8). I am so grateful that your words are consistent and your promises hold truth. You are man that shall not lie, nor the son of man that you shall change your mind (Numbers 23:19). 

So I boldly declare, I am ready for more, more of You. Therefore, no more rendez-vous, false dreams, temporary love affairs or moments of satisfaction although there was no gratification. No more portals to enter into a divine space and place. No more dismissals or acquittals, adjournments or concernments, but only basking and beckoning to be with you. You, the one I call home, happiness and harmony. I will not sabotage or analyze such a gift because I have been loved by the divine Lover who has me calling his name over and over and over again. 

Perhaps, you’re Addicted to Love because it brings you into full awareness of his presence and power. Or perhaps you Love love because it brings peace in the midst of unease or distrust. But if i am right this morning, perhaps you search for love because you are searching for God and dare to experience him again. No matter what or who it is, the call for relief and release is what awaits you. I can’t wait to be with you again so that this consuming fire can unleash. So I say to you this morning, I am Ready!- Why does this seem so hard to believe; to believe that when i think of you, LOVE swells in my heart and illumination comes to my face? The search is over, I found you and I am never letting you go. You told me you would never leave me or forsake me. So this morning when You said hello, Today i fervently said Hello Love & Life, How are you Doing? My reply is Hello God, I’m Doing Wonderful, I’m so Grateful to Surrender. Surrender to Love because to Love is to Live and to Live is to Love and that is a Risk that I can’t afford NOT to take. 

Yours Truly,
Surrendered Heart & Soul.