You Have the Authority

You Have the Authority

I send you a mighty word to encourage your heart and reach down to the recesses of your soul and catapult into your spirit so that the devil will no longer reign in this space again. I’m talking about the space of authority, the sound that you carry, the voice that seems silenced, muted or unheard. The authority to tread among scorpions and snakes and they shall not injury you (Luke 10:19). We all at one point and in time have submitted or will submit to authority, those that are in position to lead. Whether at work, at school, at church or at home, Leading others or being led, is an inevitable fact of life because someone has to be in charge or remain in control I should say or else havoc would wreck continuously and progressive progress would not be attained or maintained. 

Nevertheless family, I am also speaking to the authority of our mind, body, spirit and Soul. The word in Ephesians 1:22-23 says,”And God has put ALL things under the authority of Christ and he gave him this authority for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with his presence.”  This text is so powerful and let’s us know that God took great pleasure in bringing us into his fold, his pavilion, his priesthood through the blood of his Son Jesus. We are royalty; kings and queens and we have a powerful inheritance and the authority of Christ to do ALL things pleasing in thy sight.   

Therefore, do not allow your mind or body to dictate what you can or cannot do because God has all power and if we abide in him, we are connected to the sovereign power source that shall lead us. Many voices in authority are speaking out and while some voices are prolific, prophetic, powerful and propelling, not all authority should warrant a response.  It can not be ignored that the word authority has the word “author” within the word. A word within the word provides another scope worth consideration. God is the author and finisher of our faith and if we are mindful and willing, we must allow the authority of God to be the narrator that reads, writes, speaks out for such a time as this. He has the power to change the narrative and change the minds and hearts of others when there is a particular sound spoken upon the earth (the authoritative voice of God) which sounds louder than any other voice.  
God  is above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else in the world to come (v. 21).  So remember my marvelous brothers and sisters who is really in control when you allow the devil of your mind, the devil trying to take over your body and the evil and tense feelings that are attached to illness, finances, distress, discomfort, confusion, allusion or delusion to have authority over you and through you.  Fill your body; the temple, the church (Christ) with His presence and no devil in hell will steal your peace, your joy, your love, your power, or your victory. Remember who is in control because victory happened a long ago before we were formed or born. In a closed confinement, in darkness says the word, we were chosen by God to be under his authority and receive a great inheritance.  Beloved, know that while it’s ok to be obedient to your authority on earth (i.e. boss, parent, spouse, pastor, doctor, officials, etc…); but, without a doubt we must always FIRST recognize and be aligned with the authority within you (Greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world-1 John 4:4). Abba Father, Daddy God, Prince of Peace and King of Kings, he is the only one who is truly in control and possesses the personality and power to invoke change. Be blessed, enjoy each beautiful day and get familiar with your authority (the sphere of influence you can impact) so that You WILL HAVE THE POWER to do all things in his will and for his glory and you are no longer handicapped or hoodwinked by your current or past circumstances. I leave with you these questions to consider: Where can I be of great Influence? What impact do I want to make? And what territory has God already given? Let the Light of Christ shine brighter than the day before Amen!

Be Greater Than Yesterday,